6 Ways to Be an Awesome Best Man

Being a Best Man is an honor, but it also comes with responsibility. Here are 10 tips for being the greatest Best Man that a groom could ever want.

  1. Be excited! This should definitely be treated as an honor, and being gratuitous and excited about the upcoming nuptials will put both the Bride and the Groom at ease.
  2. Be involved. Even if the wedding date is more than a year away, periodically check in about how their planning is progressing.
  3. Plan ahead. Don’t be that Best Man that doesn’t plan a bachelor party until the day before. If you don’t know them already, meet your fellow groomsmen, and get your plans in order. Make sure all of the groomsmen have gotten fitted for their tuxedos; It’s the least you can do to make sure that the Groom (and Bride) won’t have to worry about it.
  4. Be there, and be on time. Don’t be late for events, especially the rehearsal and the wedding day. Don’t be an absentee Best Man.
  5. Be Prepared. While you don’t need to write out your best man speech word-for-word (unless you think that’s necessary), be prepared. If it’s a large wedding reception, you could be speaking in front of a lot of people. Oftentimes the first toast of the night, you want yours to set the right tone.
  6. Be serious. A wedding is a very important day, and while it is a fun event, it’s not about you. Keep the Bride’s wedding ring safe, and be responsible.

When in doubt, ask the Bride and Groom if you can assist with anything! They will be thankful for your help.